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OVERVIEW: This leagues is not sanctioned by any governing body, this is an intermural private league.
Registration Close Date: 14 August 2020 5:00PM
Divisions: Middle School Division (all regular balls no volley lights will be used and regular height nets will be played on) and High School Division - both can carry up to 14 teams, first come first serve. Each division will have 2 waves of play, 7 teams in each wave.
***There is a 1st come 1st serve in accepted teams - completed registrations. Accepted teams will be those that have completed both sets of registration (all team members and coaches have registered). Those that are not complete and we are over our number will not be accepted. Completed registrations will be accepted 1st.
COST: The price is $100 per player unless you are a current Liberty player, then the cost is $45. If MD shuts down and we are not allowed to continue the league before 2 Oct, then fee's will be prorated back to participants. If we are shut down after 1 October all fees are non-refundable no matter what the situation is. Those kids on free or reduced lunch through the school system will receive a discount. Reduced lunch participants will be charged $45 and Free Lunch will be charged $25. You MUST upload a copy of the certificate from the school system (from the lunch app) during the online registration process. If you are not on the free or reduced lunch program and you need help with the fee, please reach out to us at
Number of Players: Each team must carry a minimum of 8 players but can have up to 12 people on their roster (only 11 will be allowed in the gym to play - therefore 1 player would be a sub or rational player). If you need more players to complete your team, we will be able to provide players based off of the free agent list as numbers allow.
Coaches: Each team is allowed to carry 2 coaches on the roster, 1 primary and 1 alternate. Each team needs to bring their own coach. Liberty WILL NOT provide coaches for teams. If a team needs a coach we will do our best to find you a permanent coach. If you have an inexperienced coach, Liberty coaches will be able to help those coaches during practice as time allows. If you are a coach who wants to coach but you do not have a team, there will be a free agent list for coaches as well.
Balls and Carts: Balls and Carts will be provided. NO OUTSIDE BALLS or equipment are allowed in the gym.
Game Shirts: Each team will be provided game shirts by the 1st week of pool play.
Practice: Each team will be given the opportunity to sign up for 2 practice days, one the week of the 17th and one the week of the 24th.
Play Schedule: High School division will play on Thursday nights and the Middle School division will play on Friday nights. There will be 2 waves: 5 - 7:30pm or 8 - 10:30pm. Each wave can carry a max of 7 teams.
*Middle School and High School has 2 weeks of practice and 7 weeks of pool play - 9 total weeks.
If we fill the league, each team will play 3 to 5 matches a night consisting of 2 games to13 min or 25 points which ever comes first. Teams will ref all games played minus playoffs. There will not be a score table or tracking like in USAV or high school, no line ups will be given. However teams will have to follow volleyball rules.
Play Offs: Middle school playoffs will be the 14th and 16th of October and High school playoffs will be 13th and 15th of Oct, both will have Gold and Silver divisions playoffs.
Team Registration: Players are encouraged to find and build their own teams. It is encouraged to sign up as a whole team with your coach. Each player MUST register on line individually where waivers will need to be signed and the registration fee paid. You will sign up using your Team Name so we can assign you to the correct team and coach. If you are a player and you CANNOT find a team you will need to register as a FREE AGENT. As a free agent we will do our best to find you a team to play on. If we cannot find you a team you will be refunded your registration fee. If you are a team without a coach, still register as a participant (not free agent) you can annotate that within the registration whether you want a coach or need a coach and we will do our best to find you a coach. PLEASE DO NOT USE YOUR HIGH SCHOOL NAME AS YOUR TEAM NAME.
Per MPSSAA rules, your high school coach cannot organize a team from their high school players they coach that would be representative of their high school. However high school coaches may coach a team as long as that team has less than 80% of players from their high school from either JV or Varsity teams (Page 34 of the rule book) and the team is NOT affiliated with the school. If that team carries more than 80% from one high school than the rules of MPSSAA eligibility are broken. Here is the MPSSAA Rule book.
**Ideas for putting teams together: If you need to find a team, you can always contact friends that were on your school and club teams to see if anyone would want to put a team together there as well.
ALL Individual Free Agents Registration is CLOSED
High School Division Registration is CLOSED
Middle School Players With Teams: There are 4 open team spots left. If you are a middle school player with a team please register with the link below. You must have a coach.
Middle School Coaches With Teams: EVERY COACH MUST REGISTER within the system. There is no cost for the Coach however you will need to sign waivers and provide team information along with picking practice dates and times.
Coaches Without Teams: If you are a coach without a team, please register within the system as a FREE AGENT COACH. We will assign you to teams as teams register that do not have a coach. EVERY COACH MUST REGISTER within the system. There is no cost for the Coach however you too will need to sign participation waivers.
1) Only 11 players, 1 coach and 1 parent are allowed in the gym during pool play per team per wave. ONE parent is allowed to be in the gym for the sole purpose of streaming the games on a device for the other parents to watch from home, their cars or where ever they are sitting. We have to keep our numbers down as we want the have as many kids playing as possible.
2) Everyone walking into the gym must stand in front of the temperature machine (which is on the wall on the right when you walk into the gym) and receive a GREEN light before fully entering the gym. If you receive a RED light you will be asked to leave and provide a cleared bill of health before you will be allowed to enter the gym or play within the league.
3) Anyone walking into the gym must be wearing a mask at all times unless they are on the court playing. The 6 players on the court (at this point however this may be subject to change) do not need to wear masks, however those on the sidelines need to wear their mask while not on the court. After the game is over all masks MUST immediately be put back on by all. NO one can leave the court without a mask on and no shaking hands before or after the matches. . All line judges must wear masks and up refs must wear masks. Each team must bring their own hand held whistle as mouth whistles will not be allowed. There will be hooks on the wall at each court for kids to hang their masks up while playing so they are not on the floor or touching anyone else's mask when not on their face.
4) NO outside equipment is allowed into the gyms, all balls and carts will be provided. All balls, floors and common areas will be sanitized prior to the kids entering the gym for wave 1 which is 5 - 7:30. At 7:30 EVERYONE must exit the building and the next wave will not be let in until after we have sanitized the floor. and common surfaces. Doors will open at 4:40 for session one. Doors will open either at 7:45pm or whenever we are done sanitizing for wave 2.
5) All teams must bring hand sanitizer. EVERYONE will sanitize hands prior to touching any balls and playing and then again after the match is over. This will be done prior to and after EVERY Match. If this is not done, teams will be asked to leave.
6) All coaches and players will need to stand during game play. We will not provide benches or chairs for the sidelines. Each court will be assigned a coach and player area so that there is ample distance between the players on the courts.
7) During play, every team will be engaged and there will not be a chance for sitting or to be gaggled in groups. While the 6 teams are playing the 7th team will be referring. That one team will be split between 3 courts reefing each court. Each game is to time, with 3 mins to switch courts for the next match. There is no down time for any of the participants.
8) Every team must bring a hand held whistle for referring as mouth whistles will not be allowed.
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