Land Of Liberty Tournament Information
24 July: High School Division
31 July: Middle School Division
Registration deadline is 10 PM on 20th of July for the High School division and the 27th of July for the Middle School Division or when the tournament fills. We can only host 30 teams per day, teams over the 30 will be placed on a waiting list. All registration dues have to be paid in full through PayPal NLT than the deadline dates or your spot will be lost. Walk-on registration the morning of will NOT be allowed.
Check-in is from 8:30 to 8:50 AM.
Play starts at 9:00 AM, Doubs Woods Park, Hagerstown MD 21740
Cost: $60 per team
All levels of play :3 Courts are sand and the rest are grass, however we will mix the play schedule between the grass (please bring shoes) and sand courts so teams will play on both. Semi's and Finals will be played on Sand if possible.
High School Division 24 July: Players from each team MUST have been in high school during this past year. 2021 Graduated seniors are welcome to play in the high school division.
Middle School Division 31 July: Players who were in the 5th – 8th grade during the past school year 2021. Boys are allowed to play within the Middle School Division only.
All waivers must be signed by and submitted to the LEVBC staff before anyone will be allowed to play. This can be done during online registration.
Tournament Format: There will only be 1 large pool for the high school division. For the middle school we will do our best to break teams down into 2 brackets by school year 5th Grade and 6th Grade and 7th and 8th grade. Each team plays 1 game to 21 for pool play each game will have a cap of 23. Playoffs will consist of 1 game to 25 with no cap. Everyone will play at least 1 game in playoffs. There will be a Gold division (teams 1&2), a Silver division (teams 3&4) and a if there are at least 4 teams left a Bronze division, (team 5) single elimination playoffs. T-Shirts will be handed out to the top 2 teams in each division. Game balls will be provided at each court.
Results will be uploaded in real time through a link that will be poste to the top of this page as long as we have internet connection.
Bring your own ball for warm-ups and bring plenty of sunscreen. Bring plenty of food and drinks (water or sports drinks). Chairs and blankets can make in-between match time more comfy. This park has lots of shade so canopy's are not necessary to bring. Umbrellas would be good for score keepers to sit under while doing their duties.