Practices USUALLY start after Thanksgiving.
Parent meeting date and time will be Friday November 18, 2022 6pm at the Liberty Elite Volleyball Club Gymnasium.
National Teams - These teams are the highest level teams in each age group and will practice 3 days a week. Their tournament schedule is mostly played out of region where they will compete against clubs from across the country. National teams are trying to earn a bid to the USAV National tournament. If bids are earned, they will attend USAV Nationals. If USAV bids are not earned, they will be attending AAU Nationals in Orlando, FL. U18 is usually in May and U11- U17 In June/July.
Open Teams - These are our In-Region Open level teams that will practice 2-3 days a week. The goal of an Open team is to compete in Open level and higher age group competitions within our Region. These teams will play in AAU Bid winning tournaments, where the goal is to earn an AAU Bid. U15-U18 teams will attend AAU Nationals in Orlando, FL even if an AAU bid is not earned. Teams U14 and below must earn an AAU bid to attend AAU Nationals in Orlando, FL.
Club Teams - These teams will be our developmental teams and will practice 2 days a week. The goal is to develop athletes' skills to where they are competing at a very high level within our region and within their age group at the club level. If enough progress is made during the season, the coach and director can decide to place the team in an AAU tournament for the opportunity to earn a bid. If they earn a bid to AAUs they will be attending AAU Nationals in Orlando, FL (U18) in May and (U11 - U17) In June/July.
U11 Team - This team will practice 2 days a week, and compete in primarily in CHRVA tournaments. If the team earns a bid to Nationals, they will be attending which ever bid they win (AAU or USAV).
The level of teams will be decided at tryouts. When offers are given out to players, they will know which team they have been selected for. The below schedules are what we intend on playing in. However, they are tentative as it will be based off of our acceptance into each tournament.
**ALL COSTS (minus player travel costs) including gym fees are accounted for within the prices below.
**No Fundraising outside the club raffle will be required this year.
U11 Team Schedule
$1000 w/o Uniforms
$1200 with Uniforms
Regular CHRVA: 6 play days
AAU Tournament: 2 play days
*IF BID IS WON - AAU Nationals – 4 play days
Possible Play Days – 12
National Teams U12-U18
$3000 w/o Uniforms
$3300 with Uniforms
*National Tournament and Gym Fees included
Windy City 18s, Chicago, IL: 3 play days U18s ONLY
CHRVA National Harbor Showdown, National Harbor, MD: 3 play days ALL TEAMS
Ohio Valley 18s Qualifier, Columbus, OH: 3 play days U18s ONLY
JVA Charm City Challenge, Baltimore, MD: 2 play days U13-U17
AAU Virginia Beach Grand Prix, Virginia Beach, VA: 2 play days U12, U13
CHRVA Shamrock Showdown, Springfield, VA: 2 play days U12-U17
CHRVA Bid Regionals, TBD: 1 play day ALL TEAMS
NorthEast Qualifier, Philadelphia, PA: 3 play days ALL TEAMS
Windy City National Qualifier, Chicago, IL: 3 play days U16-U17
JVA World Challenge, Louisville, KY: 3 play days U14-U15
ACPL Richmond Grand Prix, Richmond, VA: 2 play days U12, U13, U16, U17
East Coast Championships, Pittsburgh, PA: 3 play days U12-U15
JVA Summerfest, Columbus, OH: 2 play days U16-U17
Regular CHRVA: minimum 2 play days
Nationals (USAV or AAU): 4 play days
Open Teams U15 - U18
$2000 w/o Uniforms
$2300 with Uniforms
*AAU National and Gym Fees included
Regular CHRVA: 5 play days
AAU Tournaments: 4 play days
CHRVA National Harbor Showdown: 3 play days
AAU Nationals, Orlando, FL: 4 play days
Possible Play Days – 16
Open Teams U12 - U14
$1550 w/o Uniforms
$1850 with Uniforms
Regular CHRVA: 5 play days
AAU Tournaments: 4 play days
CHRVA National Harbor Showdown: 3 play days
AAU Nationals, Orlando, FL: 4 play days
Possible Play Days – 16
Club Teams U12 - U18
$1100 w/o Uniforms
$1400 with Uniforms
Regular CHRVA: 10 play days
Possible Play Days – 10